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Don’t Be A Slouch: The Key to Confident Posture

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Slouching feels awesome. For most people, it’s a natural response when relaxing or working. 

Slouching affects everyone, no matter their age. Luckily, there’s a trick to straightening up and feeling confident. By exploring why we slouch in our bodies and minds, you’ll uncover the keys to better posture and feeling great overall.

Chiropractors use a holistic approach to tackling diet, exercise, and body pain. They reposition the spine to alleviate discomfort and enhance well-being. Proper spinal placement reduces pain and ensures optimal communication between the brain and body, enabling natural healing.

Dr. Chris Dolecki, D.C. (Doctor of Chiropractic) and a MAC education committee member, emphasizes, “Chiropractors can help address spinal issues and recommend exercise to help improve your posture, but they can’t correct slouching for you. Developing and maintaining good posture is your responsibility and requires ongoing awareness and effort.”

Negative Effects of Slouching

Poor posture can cause the muscles in your neck and back to become overworked, leading to discomfort and stiffness.

According to Michigan Worksafe, one of the causes of neck and back pain is “text neck,” which occurs when you lean forward for lengthy durations. This usually happens when gazing down at a phone, laptop, or desktop. Additionally, improper posture causes it. Text neck can induce headaches, backaches, and arm tingling from a pinched neck and shoulder nerve. This can also increase fatigue, soreness, and irritability.

How to Know If You Have “Text Neck”

Visit a mirror to check your rounded posture and forward stance. Look for your office gadget (laptop, desktop) sitting too low.

Benefits of Good Posture

Standing up straight, with your head held high, makes you appear more confident. Good posture can help lower stress, worry, and depression, boost energy and mood, and make you stronger. Sitting up straight can also make you feel less tired, reduce headaches, and improve your breathing and blood flow.

How to Stop Slouching

People often do not realize they’re slouching. If you work in an office or sit most of the day working remotely, review your desk setup to help fix your posture. Staring at a screen or cell phone can strain your neck. 

Sitting in a neutral position without leaning too far forward or backward can help you avoid slouching. Keep your eyes and head forward and on top of your shoulders. To help, put your laptop or desktop on top of a few books or stands and put your cell phone on stand-and-go wireless earbuds. While sitting and walking, practice good posture, keeping your head on top of your shoulders.

Experts also recommend short breaks to move around throughout the work day. 

Exercises to Help Fix Posture

Strengthening your core, opening your chest, and flexing your spine with exercise can help improve posture.

You should ask your chiropractor to help recommend exercises that are right for you, but here are a few suggestions from the Cleveland Clinic to get started. 

  • Back to the Wall: Use the wall to support you as you position your body so you’re flush against it. Pull your head back. Roll your shoulders. Tuck your pelvis. Take your time to really feel what it’s like to be in proper posture. It’s OK if it feels uncomfortable or unnatural at first.
  • Shoulder Blade Push: Lie on your back with your knees bent. Keep your arms at your sides and your palms facing the ceiling. Push your shoulder blades down and back, sinking them to the ground.
  • Pelvic Tilt: Lie flat on the floor with your arms at your sides, palms facing up. Round your pelvis forward to bring your lower back closer to the floor. That should engage the abdominal muscle just above your pelvic bone. Hold for several seconds and repeat.

For more information on what issues chiropractors can help with, visit

Sources: Cleveland Clinic, Healing Hands Advanced Physiotherapy Care, Ultra Human and